New 2 Updates: Find Friends Faster + Menu Toolbar

Ah yes, new more updates. But I don’t really like the new toolbar. I personally like this old one we used to had:

toBut anyways, here’s the new updates for the toolbar: (Also, if you can’t see these 2 Toolbar images clearing, click them to have a bigger view of it)


When you over your mouse over the gems, you have a way to choose to buy or earn them for free.


When you click “Buy with Money” you will get this:


When you click “Earn for Free” you will get this option:


Now, for the search friends faster thing. (I couldn’t do much pictures, because this update is very buggy on the other ourWorld server, so I did a little example of one word)

So, you see here I have thousands of friends, but I need to find one particular but I forgot her name, but I remember a few letters (or one word) in her name. I remember there was Crazy, so I put crazy in the “Enter a user name” and hit enter.


And I have found her, name was Crazy Duck (Aka: April), you can do this with letters. Like you only remembered 2 or 3 letters of the person name, so you probably would enter it as “cra” and hit enter. I’m sorry if this does not make sense. Lol.


What do you think of these new updates?

Flow Cheat: Black White Car

This game is also now patched. Which means, no more flow. ourWorld is doing this, so they won’t lose money. (Real) because what we are doing is getting stuff for free with our coins and won’t be bothered to buy stuff for gems. So, they patched this one too.

Okay, you may be wondering.. Wait not wondering you may be acting like this: “OMG KABAN NOT WORKING FOR ME, I’M NOT GETTING ANYMORE FLOW. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? TO DOOO?” Okay, I was being sarcastic there… *Ahem* There is ANOTHER new way. No, not the dance move thing, doesn’t really work for me…

Step one: Go to Action in Games


Step two: Click play game, play game again and then click Free mode.


Step three: Try and find monster truck, monster truck would look like this: (If you don’t know how to play, use the up and down keys to avoid birds and rocks. Use the up arrow key to get the monster truck.)


Step four: Press space bar on your keyboard

And now watch the flow comin’ in. (; (Don’t press space on the game, otherwise… I think you know what I mean. It starts the game of course.)

Posted on July 23rd~