August Monthly Items + Discord Announcement

Hello there everyone! Long time no see ^_^ I had some time and I thought to give a sneak peek of the next monthly items that will hit stores on the 1st of August! Also a short announcement… We now have a Discord server! It is recently created with a few members and we would love to have you with us and chat! More information below.

Click here to join!

Without further ado, here are the next month’s monthly items~!
Male items
Female items
What are your thoughts on the next monthly items?
Regarding to our Discord… The discord features interactive bots to play games, catch Pokemon while chatting or… if you’re into memes, create memes with the meme bot! Advertise your marketplace, crew in the #sell-buy-trade channel and #crew channel. Lastly, you can now apply to become a blogger with us using discord. Here is a preview of the current layout! more channels may be added or removed in the near future.

If you’re an Admin or Editor of this site, you will be given the Admin role in discord. If you’re Contributor/Author you will get the Blogger role. Of course, we have added Resident and Zoe Club roles too!