Oberon Day/Night Previews on Characters

If you have not saw the Day | Night click the highlighted words in blue.

Note: Next updates are shown here. Please check this every now and again to see when their release date is. If the release date isn’t shown on that page, then it’s unknown.

 Vale Jinxer


Fairland Healer


Fae Adventurer


 Fairland Envoy


Glade Enchanter


Valley Defender


Sylvan Magistrate


and of course, most of you guessed right. 60 gems it will cost! :]

Oberon’s Nightshade Mystery Box 2014

Ah yes. Another one and then another one. My opinion, that these look more Bento boxes than Oberon. Oh well, here’s the preview of the items (Females on the left, Males on the right) and don’t worry, the day one will be out also.

Note: Next updates are shown here. Please check this every now and again to see when their release date is. If the release date isn’t shown on that page, then it’s unknown.

Click here for Daylight.

Oberon Night Box

Nightshade Vale Jinxer

1 2 3

Nightshade Fairland Healer


Nightshade Fae Adventurer

5 6

Nightshade Fairland Envoy

7 8 9

Nightshade Glade Enchanter

10 11 12

Nightshade Sylvan Magistrate

13 14 15 16 17

Nightshade Valley Defender

18 19 20





Pixi pet




Swords and Shields




Guide To The Maximum Flow Boost!

Tired of barely earning any flow when you play games? Desperate to level up faster? With this Guide to the Maximum Flow Boost, you’ll be earning tons of flow in no time!

Note: This post is for the maximum flow boost,  in other terms, highest. Not all flow boost items. Only the maximum flow boost that you can/could get.

(ANOTHER NOTE: This guide excludes Family Boosts and Group Boosts.)

Be a Resident – 100% !

Be connected to Facebook – 100% !


Unfortunately, there are no bodysuits that give a Flow Boost.


There is only two flow-boosting jacket item and it is the Angelic Eminence Robes – With 30% Flow Boost and Grimm Hunter Cape – with a 20% flow boost. You can get one from an Angelic Eminence Mystery Box or Fright Mystery Box 2011.


The Crown, Zuma Sun Halo, Bejeweled Amethyst Tiara, Peashooter On Your Head, and Sunflower On Your Head all give a 100% flow boost. You can get them at Bejeweled (or marketplace since they are not available instores anymore).


Some decorations are stackable. Here is a list of some flow boosting decorations:

Bejeweled Diamond Headpiece, Bejeweled Amethyst Headpiece, Zuma Sun Headpiece or Bejeweled Sapphire Headpiece: 100%

Crown Hair Clip: 10%

Frost Herald Circlet: 20%

Nautical Hair Decoration: 20%



There is a couple of pair of glasses that give a flow boost. They are the Crown Shades, Styling Stache, Manic Smile, Gilded Age Monocle they give 20%-25% flow boost



Leo Ferocious Mane and Virgo Virtuous Hair both give a 20% flow boost, and they are from the Zodiac Mystery Box 2013.


Booster-X Cuffs and Booster-Z Cuffs have 50% flow boost each. Wearing both of either one will give you a 100% flow boost.


The Rockin’ Guitar On Your Back gives you a 20% flow boost and you can get it from a Music Box.


You can stack 3 items in the Neckwear section – a necklace, scarf and brooch.

The Bejeweled Diamond Necklace and Zuma Necklace both give a 50% boost.

Zuma Sun Brooch, Sunflower Brooch, Bejeweled Sapphire Brooch and Crown Brooch all give a 50% boost.

Devourer Scarf, Djinn Scarf, and Icicle Scarf all give a 20% boost.


The Back Stabber and Black Widow On Your Back both give a 20% flow boost.


There are only seven feet items with a flow boost, they are the Crimson Flame Basilisk Boots, Ivory Snow Basilisk Boots, Obsidian Mountain Basilisk Boots, Emerald Groove Bailisk Boots and Grimm Hunter Boots. Socks are: Blackbeard’s Pegleg and the Ghost varient which gives 30%.



The Crimson Flame Basilisk Claws and Ivory Snow Basilisk Claws give a 20% flow boost. As well as the other Basilisk Claws..



You can have two handhelds, one in the left hand and one in the right. For the left hand Finn’s Sword gives a 35% boost. For the right hand the Sherrif’s Fancy Pistol and Outlaw’s Fancy Pistol both give a 20% boost. You can also add a High Roller Pool Stick or Dragon Pool Stick for an extra 20% boost.


The Steam Powered Jetpack as well as its shadow variant gives a 20% flow boost. Also Mechanist Regulator Rocket Boots, Papa Tarantino The Turtle Ride and August 2016 Deep Space Explorer Jetpack gives 30%


Scorpio Stinging Tail gives a 30% flow boost and the Basilisk Tails gives 40%.


Angelic Eminence Wings give a 50% flow boost.


You can stack most ears for a huge flow boost! The ears that give the most flow boost though is the Angelic Eminence Radiance with a 40% boost.



Hachiko the Dog, Gabe the Goat  and I’m Really Rich both give a 100% flow boost.



YES! grouping up with your friends or… alternative accounts can give you extra flow. How you may ask? Being a Zoe or another character being a Zoe will give you an extra 100%. BUT WAIT there is more. Remember those Booster Z cuffs? Well, they give off an extra 50% of group flow boost, and if you both wear it that can give alot of boost.

Put all the items on, pair it with a resident and Facebook boost and you can get as much as a 1,135++=% flow boost! WOW!

I hope this guide was helpful and you enjoyed it!! BYE :D
